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Santa Rita celebrates 140 years of history

Santa Rita celebrates 140 years of history

Dec 2020

2020 was a year of great significance for Santa Rita: we celebrate 140 years of history and 40 years under the Claro Group leadership.

Mr. Ricardo Claro’s vision to bring Santa Rita to be a reference in the global wine industry is intact through the passion and commitment of all its collaborators. This has enabled the winery to achieve important milestones and face challenges with the correct attitude, finding ways to overcome difficulties and searching for opportunities to grow.

Santa Rita was and is a winery with history, deeply rooted in its territory that has been able to recognize its tradition and patrimony to project it as a contribution to culture by opening to the community. It is a winery with a unique personality; it has been able to adapt to the changing times with an innovative spirit but at the same time, without ignoring its legacy and always keeping its people at the center.

Many great personalities are found within Santa Rita’s illustrious history, including Doña Paula Jaraquemada, whose support for the independence process of Chile inspired the flagship line of Santa Rita, 120, which launched in 1982, and is named in honor of the 120 soldiers she sheltered in her cellars after defeat in the Cancha Rayada battle.

Don Domingo Fernández Concha, who laid the foundations of the Santa Rita we know today. When he acquired the property, he decided to establish a winery, turning the Santa Rita hacienda into one of the first wineries in Chile. Also building a beautiful manor house in Pompeian style, and a neo-gothic chapel, surrounded by a 40-hectare park.
Worthy of note is avant-garde Chilean poet Vicente Huidobro, grandson of the founder of Viña Santa Rita, who is credited for founding the Creationism movement that inspired the likes of Picasso, Miró and Juan Gris. Huidobro spent his childhood at Santa Rita and used to enjoy moments of reflection in its gardens. During his time in France, he sold the Santa Rita wines his mother sent him to finance his poetry anthologies.
And of course Mr. Ricardo Claro Valdés, attorney and businessman, who 100 years after its foundation, had the foresight to recognize Santa Rita's cultural contribution to Chile, restoring its buildings, returning the estate to its original splendor, and highlighting the value of a heritage when he bought the estate in 1980.
Today, Santa Rita’s wines are on sale in over 55 countries, with nearly 2 million cases exported around the globe, and 74 million liters sold in the domestic market in Chile. Santa Rita’s future continues to be linked to its original spirit – one that prioritizes the quality of its wines and values its social and cultural dimensions, incorporating its vineyards with the people and teams that honor its illustrious history.
We commemorate this path with the knowledge that we have the tools to keep growing sustainably, showcasing Chile’s potential and being recognized for our consumers worldwide.

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